A credit card cannot qualify for a set minimum credit score. Each company with bank/credit cards has its own card request requirements. Generally speaking, however, if you get a credit score of 750 or higher, you are likely to get a card accepted.
A card with a score of less than 750 may be accepted, but you may be subject to less favourable conditions such as, for example, card with lower limit and annual charges or fee. The lower your Credit Score , the higher your risk of dismissal. It would be very difficult to accept a Credit Card application if you have a score of less than 650.
Another downside of applying for a low score credit card is that it causes your score to go down every time you deny your application. When you have a low score, applying for credit cards means you face repeated rejections and a gradual decline in your score.
It is, therefore, a good idea to review your credit score in order to boost your score and to ensure that your application is accepted before applying for a new credit card.